Thanks for sharing! If you need more tips, this article might appear helpful: https://kanbantool.com/blog/top-five-tips-for-starting-a-new-position

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Thanks for a great piece. Of the many things you pointed regarding improving the people part, would really appreciate if you could share your thought on the "right" way to address these two, when one identifies these shortcoming:

a. Are the senior leaders effectively delegating and scaling?

b. Is the team managing low performers effectively?

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Really enjoyed this piece. I am actively applying these insight to my onboarding to your new team :). Thanks!

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Thank you Nikhyl. I just started my first PM role and I am struggling with onboarding process. I will use the 100 days advise and will ask questions as I progress.

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Thank you Nikhyl. Very simple and insightful.

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Thanks Nikhyl. Insightful & timely

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Thank you so much Nikhyl for sharing your thoughts 👍

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